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Case Studies

I was diagnosed with Carcinoma of the Cervix and lungs on the 30th of April, 2021. The lesion was 40.9X31.9mm with an extension to the upper vagina with severe bleeding. The oncolologists advised me to begin radiation and 5 Chemotherapy starting from the 4th of May, 2021. I completed my 5th round of Chemotherapy on the 1st of June, 2021 and couldn’t go on any longer.


The treatment had left me completely broken. I felt like my body had given up on me. I was already in a lot of pain and the added side effects of the treatment such as nausea, vomiting, severe weakness and loss of appetite with low haemoglobin & low WBC made my life even more miserable. As I couldn’t go on any longer, the doctors gave me 2 cycles of radiation that ended on 30th June, 2021.


My Family friend took me to  Sanjeevan Onco Care and the doctors there assured me that they would cure my side effects.  My quality of life drastically improved after I began treatment from Sanjeevan Onco Care on 8th August, 2021 as their integrative homeopathic treatment cured all my side effects in just a couple of days. My Haemoglobin & WBC levels also improved. I could eat again and regained some strength. My doctors at Sanjeevan Onco Care advised me to continue my treatment with the oncologist.


My family took me to see the oncologist again and we did a PET CT on 19th August, 2021. The scan showed that the Cancer that I previously had in the cervix & lungs was back and had spread to the brain and was now advanced Stage 4. I couldn’t believe it. Everything I went through, all the side effects for nothing?


I had lost all hope. Panic crept into my soul. I didn’t have the strength to go through the trauma again. The doctors at the hospital once again advised me to do Cranial Radiation and 5 cycles of Chemotherapy but I couldn’t take it and refused treatment because I had already suffered so much . I couldn’t bare taking another dose again. I decided to only take the homeopathy and integrative treatment of Sanjeevan Onco Care.


The doctors at Sanjeevan have always been very supportive and encouraged me to immediately begin radiation therapy for my brain along with the homeopathy medication they had prescribed even though I was against Radiation. I began radiation on the 23rd of August, 2021 until the 3rd of September, 2021 and as promised by Sanjeevan Onco Care, I didn’t get any side effects.  Sanjeevan Onco Care gave me the strength to fight Cancer again and regain my hope. They gave me the confidence to go through even chemotherapy once again and promised me that I would not get weak any more. . I thus reluctantly started the chemotherapy and completed 2 rounds by the 30th of October, 2021, without any side effects. In fact, because of the homeopathic medications prescribed by Sanjeevan Onco Care, there were no side effects at all throughout the treatment.


And then the miracle happened.


Before the 3rd cycle of Chemotherapy, I underwent a PET CT on the 6th of December, 2021 and we couldn’t believe our eyes! It was the complete opposite of my last scan! Cancer free in the Cervix, Brain and the Lungs IN JUST UNDER 4 MONTHS! Sanjeevan Onco Care’s treatment not only helps in curing side effects but also works on beating Cancer quicker .



I never expected to live or even have a chance of life! I never thought I’d see life beyond the hospital but Sanjeevan Onco Care gave me a new birth. This is something no one ever expected. It gave me a new life and the confidence to carry out my treatment without the awful side effects and weakness. Thank you Sanjeevan. I have a fighting chance because of you!

Renuka's Story
Patient Jaya's Story

This is a first-person account of one of Sanjeevan ONCO Care’s cancer patients whose case is a fine example of the effectiveness of the brand’s integrated treatment.


My ordeal began on December 18, 2017. The report of the tests I had undergone suggested the presence of a carcinoma and more tests and a scan were advised. I went numb. If ever a set of printed words on a document could simply stun me, this was it. Still in a haze, supported by my husband and family, I consulted an oncologist at Omega Cancer Hospital in Hyderabad – the city I had been living in for several years.


Under advice from three famous oncologists a complete (“whole body”) PET scan was done on December 21. The results confirmed that I had breast cancer (Karposi’s sarcoma) that had spread all over from its origin (metastatic, Stage 4-A). A biopsy (FNAC) was also performed. Things could hardly be worse. I must confess I wept in private while trying to keep up a brave face in front of my children and husband. 


Events unfolded rapidly after that. A protocol or line of action / treatment was mapped out by the team of oncologists - Dr. Mohanvansi, Dr. Sanjay Yadgiri and Dr. Satya Dattatreya. Eight chemotherapy sessions were planned (one every 15 days) to be followed by surgery to remove the breast, to be followed by 21 radiation therapy sessions. 


Treatment was to begin immediately.


Looking back, I cannot accurately describe my state of mind at the time. It was as if everything had been swept away from under my feet and I was going through the emotions without having any sense of control. The over-riding emotion was ‘why has it happened to me?’ I realize now that it was quite ‘normal’ to experience those emotions while preparing for the ‘new normal’ reality that confronted me.


On Dec 22, 2017 the first of eight sessions of chemotherapy (Paclitaxel and Nanoxel injections) were administered intravenously. Apart from giddiness, my white blood cell count and hemoglobin levels declined drastically. After the second session of chemotherapy (Jan 11, 2018), a litany of after–effects set in: loss of taste, nausea, constipation, piles, a burning sensation in the stomach. I started losing my hair as the therapy homed in to destroy all fast-growing cells that might harbor the cancer. It was physically punishing and mentally very depressing, to say the least.


My condition was so precarious that the 3rd session of chemotherapy (scheduled for Jan 25, 2018) seemed to be in doubt. - After the second chemo session, I collapsed totally and my health showed a complete deterioration. Hence I decided to not go for the third chemo session because I felt that I will not survive the side-effects. 


Fortunately, a watershed decision had been made. Around the same time, one of my friends introduced me to Sanjeevan Onco Care. I consulted their doctor and their team assured me that their treatment will help me especially with the side-effects of chemotherapy. 


The effect was dramatic. As promised by Sanjeevan Onco Care, I suffered absolutely no side effects. There was no nausea, constipation, burning sensation and no hair fall at all. My haemoglobin increased as well. I had made an amazing recovery, shaking off all post-chemo symptoms. 


Also, post the 4th chemotherapy session, when I visited the doctor at Omega hospital for a sonography, the results showed no cysts in the body. The oncologist was surprised to see that all the cancerous glands had disappeared. There was no need for any more chemotherapy sessions. It was quite unbelievable and seemed like a miracle to all of us. 


Sanjeevan Onco Care's Homeopathic treatment not only helps to treat the side effects of chemotherapy, but in my case it also treated the Cancer. There is no doubt that they saved my life. 


Since I wasn’t facing any more side effects with the help of the homeopathic treatment, only for precautionary reasons, we decided to complete all the previously planned chemotherapy and radiation sessions. 


It has now been 4 years and my immunity is sky rocketing and I feel like I’m the strongest and healthiest person in my entire family. My last PET SCAN was done on October 5th, 2020, which was absolutely clean and normal.
JAYA RANGNENIWAR was 52 when she found she had Kaposi’s Sarcoma which develops from the cells that line lymph or blood vessels. She has now recovered and leads an active, confident and healthy life and wholeheartedly credits the Sanjeevan Onco Care integrated treatment.

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Doctors opinion on Jaya’s case

This is Dr. Abhilash Chakraborthy, MBBS, MS, MCH,.viewing the case study of Mrs. Jaya Suresh Rangneniwar who was aged 52yrs when she was diagnosed with CARCINOMA OF LEFT BREAST after the biopsy report done on 19.12.2017 which showed lesion in left breast at retroareolar location with multiple calcific foci within with retraction of nipple and single left deep axillary lymphonode is S/O? malignant left breast mass.  The FNAC report done on the same day reported DUCT CARCINOMA.  The patient also underwent PET scan on 22.12.2017 showed metabolically active primary lesion in retroareolar parenchyma of left breast with metastatic ipsilateral, axillary and internal mammary nodes.  Hypertmetabolic right supracalvicular and mediastinal nodes – suspicious of involvement as per the reports.  HPE conformed invasive ductal carcinoma, nuclear grade II with ductal carcinoma in-situ.


The plan of action after confirmation was 8 cycles chemotherapy followed by mastectomy of left breast and then 21radiation therapy.


Cycle I – The patient underwent 1st chemotherapay Neo – Adjuvant EC “ DOSE – DENSE” on 22.12.2017


Supportive care & symptomatic management she was given IV Inj. Epirubicin (Epithra 150mg) and IV Inj. Endoxon 1000mg. 

After the 1st cycle of chemotherapy the investigation of blood showed gross reduction in Hb% (12.3g/dl reduced to 9.9g/dl on 10.01.2018 and WBC count as well.  Patient elicited with extreme tiredness, blackouts and mild nausea and vomiting.  Keeping all symptoms aside patient underwent 2nd cycle of chemotherapy done on 11.01.2018.


Cycle 2 – Neo – Adjuvant EC “DOSE – DENSE” ON 11.01.2018.


After the 2nd cycle of chemotherapy there was further huge reduction in Hb% and WBC counts.  On account of which patient developed extreme side effects which affected her health grossly with increase in symptoms of extreme nausea, vomiting, loss of taste, burning sensation in stomach, loss of hair, severe constipation and immeasurable tiredness due to immense decrease in Hb% - 9.1g/dl on 22.01.2018 and WBC counts – 5,600/cumm.


The patient decided not to undergo further any cycles of chemo due to intolerable side effects.  Patient started talking homeopathic medicines in Sanjeevan Onco Care to fight side effects of the chemo cycles.  After using homeopathic medicines for 10days patient was quite ok and felt better and as the symptoms reduced and we could see patient was courageous to continue ahead with further cycles of chemotherapy.


Cylce 3 – Neo Adjuvant EC “DOSE – DENSE” ON 25.01.2018


The patient withstood the 3rd cycle of chemotherapy well and was without any side effects. The repeat blood investigations showed the result Hb% - 10.9g/dl and WBC – 9,800/cumm – on 05.02.2018.

The patient was on regular treatment with Sanjeevan Onco Care from  13.01.2018

The patient was all well to undergo 4th cycle of chemotherapy on 09.02.2018.


Cycle – 4 – NEO – ADJUCANT EC “DOSE – DENSE” on 09.02.2018.


After the 4th cycle of Chemotherapy and with additional support of Sanjeevan Onco Care homeopathic medicines patients health improved immensely and was adviced to continue the same. 


The patient was advised USG of Both Breast before the 5th cycle of chemotherapy.


The Ultrasound Reports revealed unimaginable changes as compared to the previous reports.


Reports: Nipples, skin and subcutaneous tissues are normal, Fibroglandular parenchyma with normal echopattern.  The lesion measurement reduced with no evidence of Lymphadenopathy. 


Seeing the gross recovery of the patient the other cycles of chemotherapy was not necessary.


Patient continued further course of treatment as planned earlier with immense supportive treatment of Sanjeevan Onco Care. Thereafter patient led a normal, healthy and happy life till date.

Vanita Prakash Jadhav's Story

I will always remember the 22nd of May 2018. On that day I received the worst possible news that any woman can get: breast cancer. The examination report findings read Invasive breast cancer -NST. That meant the cancer cells had spread outside the ducts into the surrounding breast tissue, (grade III); in medical parlance, NST meant ‘no special type’.


What a jolt to the system! A disease that is feared worldwide with no known ‘cure’. The carpet was truly pulled from under my feet. Events simply swept me in a totally different direction. Within four days, surgery for removal of the tumour was done (“with wide local excision and axillary clearence”). After surgery, the histopath report showed that there was no residual tumour. This was a relief as it indicated that the surgery was a success, but as is routine in such cases, chemotherapy was the advised follow-through line of treatment.


I had heard vaguely of the very painful side-effects of chemotherapy as I prepared for 8 chemo sessions to be spread out over 4 months, but the actual experience was something beyond my imagination. Loss of taste, nausea, constipation, piles, heart-burn, burning sensation in the stomach, loss of hair, fingernails turning black, loss of appetite – these were immediate side-effects of the very first session of chemo which started on 14 June.


By 22 June the WBC count reduced to an alarming 500, the hemoglobin levels also dropped. I suffered giddiness and therefore had to be re-admitted to hospital for two days. There I was given injections to increase my WBC count.

On 1 July 2018, my second chemo dose was administered. Chemotherapy sessions are interspersed with ‘recovery’ periods (usually at home) which allow the body to recuperate. Unfortunately, and painfully, side-effects can be devastating physically and psychologically.


On 15 July, after the second chemo dose, which left a trail of alarming side-effects, I moved to the umbrella care of Sanjeevan Onco Care’s homeopathy treatment for oncology patients. Amazingly, four or five days was all it took me to recover from the harrowing after-effects.


The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th chemo sessions followed in pre-planned succession, without any disruptive or untoward ill-effects, on July 20, July 29, Aug 16, Aug 30, Sept 15 and Sept 30 respectively. While a minimal supportive antibiotics dose was given, I relied overwhelmingly on Sanjeevan Onco Care doctors’ advice.


Throughout the month of December, I was administered adjuvant radiotherapy for 5 days a week with a gap of two days. This was a relentless attack on the cancer cells but I had the Sanjeevan Onco Care homeopathy regimen as a friendly crutch.

In January 2020 as the new year dawned, my hopes rose as a physical examination and a mammogram revealed that all problematic glands had subsided.


It has been nearly 3-1/2 years since the full comprehensive treatment was completed. I have been very disciplined and have continued Sanjeevan Onco Care’s advised homoeopathy treatment. The upshot is that my immunity and energy levels are extremely high. Life has returned to normal with family and friends – and with a new perspective on life.

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S. Bhama's Story
jaya story
jaya doc opinion
vpj story

My life changed completely on 03.09.2019 when I was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma of the Colon with Lung Metastasis Stage 4. Everything around me started crumbling and I had lost al hope. I was advised 7 cycles of Chemotherapy which began on 12.09.2019 and I immediately felt mild side effects like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, loss of appetite and hair loss. The first cycle also made me very restless.


But things took a very bad turn after my second chemotherapy session on 20,10,2019. My side effects were terribly aggravated. I couldn’t do much and became completely inactive. I actually began to believe that death is better than going through treatment.


It was at that time that a ray of hope came into my life in the name of Sanjeevan Onco Care. After a counselling session, the doctors prescribed me their medication and I couldn’t believe it! Just like they had promised, my side effects subsided. I got better and strong enough to take the third cycle of Chemotherapy on 19.02.2020! This was unbelievable that just a while back I had decided that death was better than living through treatment! Sanjeevan Onco Care gave me strength to fight this grave illness!


Before my 4th chemo therapy cycle, something that no one had ever thought about happened. I was asked to do a PET Scan and the doctors could not believe their eyes. The Cancer was gone! Could it really be? The doctors then advised to stop the Chemo therapy and continue with only oral medications!


I stood up, fought and won the biggest battle of my life all because of Sanjeevan Onco Care. They not only got rid of all the side effects of Chemo therapy, but also helped cure the illness faster! Thank you Sanjeevan Onco Care. I am living a normal life, free from ilnness’ because of you!

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DISCLAIMER: Sanjeevan Onco Care provides information on this website in good faith. We do not take responsibility for mistakes, errors or omissions. No content herein is meant to contradict the advice and prescriptions from qualified researchers, physicians and oncologists. This content is not meant to replace recommendations or advice from a qualified researcher, physician or oncologist. Sanjeevan Onco Care cannot be held responsible if content published herein is interpreted and acted upon leading to unfortunate adverse health effects.

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