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Colon  Cancer

The colon is called the large intestine. The colon removes water, salt and some nutrients forming stool. There are muscles lining the colon’s walls which squeeze its contents along. Useful bacteria also coats the colon. Colorectal cancer or CRC is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers accounting for both men and women. It is mostly diagnosed in people over the age of 50. Most CRCs begin as a polyp (a non-cancerous growth) which forms in the inner-most layer of the colon or rectum. Some polyps become cancerous. As a CRC tumor develops it grows through several layers of tissue. Eventually the tumor may spread to lymph nodes and various other sites in the body. Early warning signs include cramping or abdominal pain, unintended weight-loss, weakness or fatigue, changes in bowel habits or blood detected in the stool. Colonoscopy is most often the best detection test available. Other test is FIT (fecal immunochemical test).

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